Use Cases for Stripe Integration and Implementation

Use Case 1: Subscription-Based Service with Tiered Pricing

You are building a subscription-based service that offers three different plans: Basic, Pro, and Enterprise. Each plan has a different pricing structure and set of features. Customers should be able to:

  1. Sign up for a subscription plan.
  2. Upgrade or downgrade their plan.
  3. Cancel their subscription.
  4. Receive invoices and billing notifications.


  1. Create Subscription Plans: Set up the three subscription plans in Stripe with appropriate pricing and feature descriptions.
  2. Implement Subscription Sign-Up: Create a sign-up page where users can select a plan and enter their payment details using Stripe Checkout.
  3. Manage Subscriptions: Implement functionality to allow users to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel their subscriptions. Ensure that changes are reflected in Stripe and that the user is billed accordingly.
  4. Handle Billing: Set up webhook endpoints to handle subscription events (e.g., invoice.payment_succeeded, customer.subscription.updated) and send email notifications to customers.
  5. Test Scenarios: Test the entire flow, including edge cases like failed payments, plan changes mid-billing cycle, and subscription cancellations.

Use Case 2: One-Time Payments with Custom Checkout

You are developing an e-commerce platform that sells digital products. Customers should be able to:

  1. Add products to a cart.
  2. Proceed to checkout and pay using a custom-built payment form.
  3. Receive a confirmation email with download links for their purchased products.


  1. Create Products and Prices: Set up the digital products in Stripe with their respective prices.
  2. Build a Custom Checkout Form: Implement a custom checkout form using Stripe Elements to collect payment details securely.
  3. Process Payments: Use Stripe’s Payment Intents API to handle the payment process, including 3D Secure authentication if required.
  4. Send Confirmation Emails: Upon successful payment, trigger an email containing purchase details and download links.
  5. Test Scenarios: Test the payment flow for different scenarios including successful payments, failed payments, and handling of 3D Secure authentication.

Use Case 3: Marketplace with Split Payments

You are creating a marketplace platform where multiple vendors can sell their products. The platform takes a commission on each sale. Vendors should be able to:

  1. List their products.
  2. Receive payments directly into their Stripe accounts (minus the platform’s commission).


  1. Set Up Stripe Connect: Configure Stripe Connect to manage multiple vendor accounts.
  2. Create Vendor Onboarding: Implement a flow for vendors to connect their Stripe accounts to your platform.
  3. Handle Product Listings and Payments: Allow vendors to list products and customers to purchase them. Use Stripe’s Payment Intents API to handle the payments.
  4. Implement Split Payments: Use Stripe’s Transfer API to split the payment between the vendor and the platform, deducting the platform’s commission.
  5. Test Scenarios: Test the entire flow, including vendor onboarding, product purchase, payment splitting, and handling edge cases such as failed transfers or vendor account issues.

Use Case 4: Event Ticketing System

You are developing a platform for selling tickets to events such as concerts, workshops, and conferences. Customers should be able to:

  1. Browse and select events.
  2. Purchase tickets using a secure checkout process.
  3. Receive digital tickets via email after purchase.


  1. Create Events and Ticket Types: Set up different events and their corresponding ticket types (e.g., General Admission, VIP) in Stripe.
  2. Implement Event Selection and Checkout: Build a user interface for browsing events and selecting ticket types. Use Stripe Checkout for the payment process.
  3. Handle Ticket Generation: Generate unique digital tickets upon successful payment and send them to the customer’s email.
  4. Manage Inventory: Track the number of tickets sold for each event and prevent overselling.
  5. Test Scenarios: Test the entire flow, including browsing events, purchasing tickets, receiving digital tickets, and handling edge cases like sold-out events and failed payments.

Use Case 5: Donations Platform with Recurring Donations

You are creating a donations platform for a non-profit organization. Donors should be able to:

  1. Make one-time or recurring donations.
  2. Choose the donation amount and frequency.
  3. Receive confirmation and thank-you emails.


  1. Configure Donation Options: Set up different donation options, including one-time and recurring donations, in Stripe.
  2. Build Donation Form: Implement a donation form using Stripe Elements to collect donor information and payment details securely.
  3. Process Donations: Use Stripe’s Payment Intents API for one-time donations and the Subscriptions API for recurring donations.
  4. Send Confirmation Emails: Trigger confirmation and thank-you emails upon successful payment.
  5. Test Scenarios: Test the donation flow for both one-time and recurring donations, including scenarios like failed payments, subscription cancellations, and donation amount changes.

Use Case 6: On-Demand Service Platform with Usage-Based Billing

You are developing a platform that offers on-demand services (e.g., cloud computing, API usage, or streaming services) where customers are billed based on their usage. Customers should be able to:

  1. Sign up and start using the service.
  2. Track their usage in real-time.
  3. Receive invoices based on their usage at the end of the billing period.


  1. Set Up Usage-Based Pricing: Configure usage-based pricing models in Stripe.
  2. Implement Usage Tracking: Build functionality to track user usage in real-time and record this data in Stripe.
  3. Generate Invoices: Use Stripe’s Invoicing API to generate and send invoices based on recorded usage at the end of each billing period.
  4. Notify Customers: Send email notifications to customers with their invoices and usage summaries.
  5. Test Scenarios: Test the entire flow, including user sign-up, real-time usage tracking, invoice generation, and handling edge cases like disputed charges or usage anomalies.

Use Case 7: Crowdfunding Platform

You are building a crowdfunding platform where project creators can raise funds for their projects. Backers should be able to:

  1. Browse and select projects to support.
  2. Make pledges of varying amounts.
  3. Receive updates and rewards based on their pledge levels.


  1. Set Up Project Listings: Create a system for project creators to list their projects and set funding goals and reward tiers.
  2. Implement Pledge System: Allow backers to pledge amounts using Stripe Checkout, with the ability to select reward tiers.
  3. Handle Conditional Payments: Use Stripe’s Payment Intents API to authorize payments when pledges are made and capture the funds only if the project reaches its funding goal.
  4. Manage Updates and Rewards: Implement a system for project creators to send updates and fulfill rewards to backers based on their pledge levels.
  5. Test Scenarios: Test the entire flow, including project creation, pledging, funding goal achievement, and handling edge cases like failed payments or funding goal shortfalls.

Use Case 8: Multi-Currency E-commerce Platform

You are developing an e-commerce platform that operates internationally and supports multiple currencies. Customers should be able to:

  1. Browse products in their local currency.
  2. Make payments in their preferred currency.
  3. Receive invoices and payment confirmations in their local currency.


  1. Set Up Multi-Currency Pricing: Configure Stripe to support multiple currencies and set up product prices in various currencies.
  2. Implement Currency Selector: Build a user interface allowing customers to select their preferred currency for browsing and purchasing products.
  3. Process Payments: Use Stripe’s Payment Intents API to handle payments in the selected currency, ensuring accurate currency conversion and pricing.
  4. Send Localized Invoices: Generate and send invoices and payment confirmations in the customer’s local currency.
  5. Test Scenarios: Test the entire flow, including currency selection, product purchase, payment processing, and handling edge cases like currency conversion errors or unsupported currencies.

Use Case 9: Membership Management System

You are creating a membership management system for a club or organization. Members should be able to:

  1. Sign up for different membership levels.
  2. Pay membership fees on a recurring basis.
  3. Access exclusive content and benefits based on their membership level.


  1. Create Membership Levels: Set up different membership levels with corresponding pricing and benefits in Stripe.
  2. Implement Membership Sign-Up: Build a sign-up page where users can choose a membership level and enter their payment details using Stripe Checkout.
  3. Manage Recurring Payments: Use Stripe’s Subscriptions API to handle recurring payments for membership fees.
  4. Access Control: Implement access control to restrict exclusive content and benefits based on the user’s membership level.
  5. Test Scenarios: Test the entire flow, including membership sign-up, recurring payment handling, access control, and handling edge cases like payment failures or membership cancellations.